Career Development

1、Career Development


2、Career planning and management processes

3、The company offers a variety of career development directions, so in Everesports, the staff can choose career development directions, such as administration, technology and marketing basing on their personal career interests and abilities. Currently, we have introduced several development directions including technology research and development, quality, support, manufacturing and others.
     In addition to technical expertise channels, Everesports begins to establish sales management, business management, procurement, finance, human resources management and other serial professional development paths, through determination of quality models of various positions and targeted introduction or internal development of serial training courses, to guide the improvement of staff capabilities.
     In order to ensure adequate opportunities to the staff, the company has implemented staff rotation system, to fully enhance the comprehensive abilities and dig potentialities of the staff; in order to be fair, open and impartial, the company introduces post competitive system, encouraging the staff to enhance and show their own abilities through competitive selection ways.

About Everesports
About Everesports
D, factory and spread our sales of products to more than 80 countries in the world. Our products consist of 5 main series including Treadmill, Station…