Human Strategy

 People are the basis and power of our company. We devoted to create a harmonious, pleasant and inspiring working atmosphere to achieve our goal of work for the wellness of all human being.

2、Recruiting and Training
We recruit employees and help them to develop in our company until achieving their career targets. Everyone compete in the fair system and the capable staff gets promotion.

3、Performance Orientation
Performance is the main basis of evaluation and adjustment for human resource, is the criterion to judge  " excellent/ good /average/ poor, appropriate or not" .is also an important factor in determining employee different treatment.
4、Vocational Career
Personal occupation planning and development of company should be combined, also company should develop appropriate training and promotion plans, offer the incumbent an excellent career prospect. So that employees to be professional in their job.

Company creates an attractive working environment and comfortable living conditions, Provides a competitive salary and broader development space for employee.
We are looking forward to creating an prosperous future together with our partner!

About Everesports
About Everesports
D, factory and spread our sales of products to more than 80 countries in the world. Our products consist of 5 main series including Treadmill, Station…